Framework agreements save time and money

When the purchase volumes of products and services are high, it is advisable to procure them jointly. We offer our customers two models for joint procurement: a framework agreement and a dynamic purchasing system.

The framework agreement is certainly our most well-known service. By means of framework agreements, our customers can procure products and services without organising a public tendering process of their own. Procurement processes are made easier and shorter when products and services do not have to be put out to tender by each customer. The large procurement volumes of the public sector contribute to good prices and favourable contractual terms. In addition, there will be resource savings when we at Hansel are responsible for contract and supplier management under the framework agreement and help our customers during the agreement period to use the agreement. 

The customers join the framework agreements in advance before Hansel publishes an invitation for tenders. The agreement period for a framework agreement is usually four years, and the contractual supplier or suppliers are always selected for the whole agreement period.

By joining a framework agreement, you ensure that your procurement complies with legislation

At Hansel, we have extensive experience of joint procurement and a large number of experts in both tendering and procurement law. When you join a framework agreement, you ensure that your procurement complies with legislation. By submitting a joining notice, you show that you are using a framework agreement for procurement, thus avoiding, for example, any suspicions of direct procurement. 
The use of framework agreements is voluntary for our customers, with the exception of framework agreements that are obligatory pursuant to section 22a of the State Budget Act. In practice, this means that the products and services covered by this obligation to use framework agreements must be procured through framework agreements. Such procurement includes, for example, IT equipment and their software intended for extensive use, and information systems intended for shared central government use. The obligation to use framework agreements applies to some of our customers.

A framework agreement arises as a result of competitive tendering

We select the contractual suppliers for each framework agreement on the basis of competitive tendering and enter into a framework agreement with each contractual supplier, which defines the terms and conditions of the procurement. 

Tendering is planned together with customers and suppliers so that we can take into account our customers’ needs and sector-specific specificities as comprehensively as possible. We collect customer and supplier feedback through customer workgroups and market dialogue. We try to encourage each industry's suppliers to participate in them extensively.  

We help and advise our customers on the use of the framework agreement throughout the agreement period.


Framework arrangements of all kinds

We offer our customers a large selection of framework arrangements, ranging from vehicles to travel – and everything in between! Take a closer look at our selection and join in the framework agreements where joining is in progress!

Explore framework arrangements